Thanks for visiting We know there are thousands of websites about working out and getting fit, so the fact that you took the time to not only visit our site, but visit out About page means a lot.
While our site is small now, we hope as time goes on we can build it into one heck of an online resource that’s focused on what we believe is the single greatest exercise known to humankind, the pull up (of course).
Though we obviously focus on pull ups and chin ups, this is a fitness too. So from time to time, we might venture into other areas, such as healthy foods and other exercises, especially the kind you can do at home without the need of a gym.
As far as us personally, as we mentioned on our homepage, our names are Brandon and Cyril. We’re both college grads, friends since middle school, and fitness freaks to a certain extent (we like working out, but enjoy the occasional tequila shot too).
We’re also pretty down to earth, so if you have any questions about anything you read here, hit us up on our contact page.
Again, we really do appreciate that you chose our site over all the others out there. Your support keeps us motivated to keep writing more and making things nicer here. And we’re not website designers, so every bit of support, whether it’s leaving a comment, sending us a message, and even just reading a couple of pages, helps us like your wouldn’t believe.
Thanks again, and keep your chin up.
– Brandon and Cyril from